Today Is A Great Day!




Thaddeus David Sapp, an Urbana resident who passed away in 2022, has a scholarship established in his name to aid high school seniors involved in choir or band who plan to pursue higher education in the applied health sciences or special education. The amount available for scholarships may vary from year to year and the amount awarded will be determined by the board of The Thaddeus David Sapp Memorial Scholarship Fund.


To be eligible for consideration, applicants must:

  • provide evidence of acceptance at an accredited university, college or school
  • submit a completed application form accompanied by
  • Two recent letters of recommendation from teachers, coaches, counselors or employers
  • A brief, detailed essay outlining career and education goals
  • A statement of need for the scholarship (including for what the scholarship is desired)
  • The counselor’s form


Once selected, the scholarship recipient will be contacted regarding college information. Based on the need statement, money for the institution will be issued directly to the college. Monies for incidentals will be issued as a gift card through the Amazon Smiles program.